Buy THUNcity gift cards - Shopping in der Thuner Innenstadt

Buy THUNcity gift cards

The THUNcity gift card fulfils every wish! Whether you would like to give as a gift sweet chocolate, a bouquet of flowers, sunglasses or the latest bestseller.  
The THUNcity gift card is available with a minimum value of CHF 20.00 up to a maximum of CHF 500.00 and is accepted in up to 180 speciality shops, department stores, restaurants and service companies in Thun city centre. The gift card balance is valid for up to 60 months after the initial loading or the reload.
Shopping locally and spending your money locally is more important than ever! 

  • Buy your gift card online (Payment by credit card): directly at the bottom of this page. Postal dispatch takes place on Mondays and Thursdays (on public holidays on the following working day). The gift card(s) ordered will be sent A-Post Plus. Delivery can be tracked electronically. The card amount is written on the gift card cover.

  • Buy a gift card at a shop in Thun city centre (Payment cash or with credit card):
    Click here for the points of sale: Outlets 
  • Collective order for companies and associations (Payment on account):
    Collective orders can be sent directly by email to, stating the billing address.
    The gift cards ordered will be sent by registered mail with invoice on Monday and Thursday (on public holidays on the following working day), or they can be collected on site. Gift cards are processed by our fiduciary RoRa Treuhand + Revisions AG, Glockentalstrasse 6 in Steffisburg. The processing fee is CHF 5.00, plus postage costs.  

All acceptance and sales points

you can find here:
Check balance and expiry date

The THUNcity gift card is valid for five years. The card balance is automatically cancelled 60 months after the first top-up or reload and the amount expires. The card can be used several times and the balance is carried forward until it expires.  
Check balance and expiry here.


The previous paper vouchers retain their validity until the expiry date. Vouchers with expiry date 31.12.2024 and older can no longer be exchanged.

Thuncity Giftcard